[Server-sky] Wiktionary for server sky?

Keith Lofstrom keithl at kl-ic.com
Sat Mar 21 16:08:49 UTC 2009

One of the things server-sky could use is a glossary.  Some of
the terms I have in mind are defined at wiktionary.org ; others
need better definition, or will be server-sky neologisms.


I've got an idea for a solution, but I don't have time to 
implement it, and perhaps one of you can think of a better way
to do it.  It might be a way to make money for one of us.

The idea is to set up another moin instance at a different URL
( say, dictionary.server-sky.com ).  The moin instance would 
have a redirect module, probably it needs to get written.  If
someone asks for a definition of "foobar" and that is in the
local moin content, that definition gets served.  If it is not
local, it either gets redirected to wiktionary.org, or else
wiktionary.org gets scraped for the content and it gets added
to the local moin instance.

(Note: This could also get done with MediaWiki and PHP, but
I have some vague prejudices against PHP - I prefer a Python
or Perl solution ).

In any case, if there is a structure for creating and/or borrowing
definitions, it creates an opportunity for contribution for those
that are less technical, or too busy to do something bigger. 

It would also make a nice product - I bet a lot of organizations
have specialized vocabularies, and this would be a nice way to
construct online dictionaries for them.  Especially if the system
facilitated inheritance (a scraper would be better at this).  For
example, let's say one sells support to Saint Vincent Hospital
(Portland).  The definition inheritance works like so:

leaf: Saint Vincent Pediatrics
 ->   Saint Vincent Hospital, Providence Pediatrics
 ->   Providence Corp, Oregon Medical Association 
 ->   Medical.WikiDiciCorp ($!!!)
 ->   WikiDikiCorp ($!!!)
root: Wiktionary

There can be ways for definitions to flow towards root in
return for modest compensation.
I bet all of this could be done with couple of Moin and Apache
modules.  Maintainance contracts, and selling targeted ads for
the free versions, would earn a tidy bundle for the individuals
pursuing this.


Or maybe we just need a glossary.  The simple thing, without
getting into products and vast design programs, is to choose
a simple naming convention and use the existing Moin wiki:  

 - lower case with underscores is definitions
 - camelcase and other capitalized words are everything else. 

Then if a bigger solution comes along, we can easily port the data.

Ideas?  Feedback?


Keith Lofstrom          keithl at keithl.com         Voice (503)-520-1993
KLIC --- Keith Lofstrom Integrated Circuits --- "Your Ideas in Silicon"
Design Contracting in Bipolar and CMOS - Analog, Digital, and Scan ICs

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